Spaghetti and Truthballs
Sunday, March 12, 2006
What did you do this Saturday? What did you do this Saturday at 8 AM?

If the answer is not drinking, you are just NOT a good little Dallas Leprechaun.

Such a degenerate day. Lets recap.

-Note that we couldn't even all wear green like every other person at the parade. Nope. We are that degenerate.

-I would like to note that this picture was taken at 9:54 AM. Notice the sauced look about everyone.

-Someone fell off of the porch and into those bushes. No names will be mentioned.

-Someone was kicked out of the bar three times.

-Conversations took place that should never have been brought to light. Hilarious at that.

-Irish car bombs curdle. There is nothing worse than consuming curdled alcohol.

Saint Patrick was probably rolling over in his grave with all of the activity that happened on Saturday.
The question is more like what did I do at 12pm?

The answer is - talk to a very drunk Rebecca.

You're fabulous Rebecca - fabulous
I just got back from the thunder nationals tractor pull and after seeing the girls serving popcorn and hotdogs it reminded me of you and your site. I had a great time and also bought a cool program and tshirt. I also was able to buy a hot dog and had them put a little mustard and relish on it.. It was really cool I wish my blogger friends could have been there I mean the excitement was so intense. It was almost like I was in another world or something. I am however a little upset cause I think I should have gotten the popcorn instead. They had a butter pumping machine that you could add as much butter as you want. That would have been really cool! I really want to got see WWE live. That would really rock and I have hear - don't quote me on this - but that they serve turkey legs at the concession stands... That would rock. I guess I will go eat some corn nuts and drink pepsi. Later.
Sounds like you had a blast for me too... I didn't go anywhere!! *sigh*

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