What did you do this Saturday? What did you do this Saturday at 8 AM?
If the answer is not drinking, you are just
NOT a good little Dallas Leprechaun.
Such a degenerate day. Lets recap.
-Note that we couldn't even all wear green like every other person at the parade. Nope. We are that degenerate.
-I would like to note that this picture was taken at 9:54 AM. Notice the sauced look about everyone.
-Someone fell off of the porch and into those bushes. No names will be mentioned.
-Someone was kicked out of the bar three times.
-Conversations took place that should never have been brought to light. Hilarious at that.
-Irish car bombs curdle. There is nothing worse than consuming curdled alcohol.
Saint Patrick was probably rolling over in his grave with all of the activity that happened on Saturday.