Spaghetti and Truthballs
Rendom thoughts and an unattached head
I am having one of those days, where you just want to step out of your body and shake yourself.... I AM STUPID TODAY! I had to come back to the house THREE times to get stuff I forgot, and I still didnt make it out of the house with everything. Seriously, I had to turn around and come back home because I forgot to brush my teeth. It is so sad.
But onto a new topic, Here is an interesting fun fact for you to digest, The terms Idiot, Embassil and Moron were clinical terms to describe the degree of mental retardation, they discontinued use when the general population began using them in derrogitory ways.....
Has anyone out there had this new phenomenon of Boba Tea? OK, maybe it isn't a new phenomenon persay, but it is new to me, and it is mmmm mmmmm good. Support your local asian tea shoppes, drink boba tea!
A good old fashioned game of the bunny hop
We all did it in the skating rink when we were kids, but I never realized how much the bunny hop was like real life activities.... Until today. One step forward, one step back. Yesterday was my husbands birthday(one step forward). He was depressed because he doesnt feel like his career has advanced enough (one step back). Today, I was feeling like creating a masterpiece (one step forward) I went out to my pottery wheel, stared at it, got sidetracked, and ended up making Playdough instead (one gargantuate step back). I went to my Psychology of Sexual behavior class (One step Forward) and some narrowminded asshole stood up and bashed homosexual couples for shoving their sexuality in his face (One step back). I stood up and asked him when the last time a homosexual person shoved their sex organs in his face- or was he talking about two members of the same sex simply holding hands while strolling down the street-- and he was dumbfounded (Three HUGE steps forward). Yessss!
People- Lets get it together!
It is time for a little of MY truth (Ok, I stole that line from Brittney **dirty dirty** Spears) .... The past three days I have been working my dream job (you know the type, lots of money, little work).... But there is something that has been bothering me.... I AM NOT a morning person... But for my lovely dream job- I am making a sacrifice. This is not the worst part- For the last three days my husband has awakened me with the sound of aerosol foot deoderant spray spraying into his shoes, TWO minutes before my alarm went off. Can we please wait for two minutes before spraying our shoes? Or take it into the bathroom? Something? I thought that can of tough actin' Tinactin was gonna go right up his tough actin' bum! There is nothing more annoying than pleasant dreams, being RUINED by foot spray. It is hands down worse than any alarm noise I have ever heard.
On another note.... Yesterday, at my dream job- a woman comes up to me with her non diet soda in hand at 8:30 in the morning, and says "You are the logistics coordinator?" I say "yes, how can I help you?" and she says "The continental breakfast that is in there is too sweet, I want cereal." Did I mention that this breakfast was free? Did I mention that she had brought her coke from home? The worst part- she was serious! It took every ounce of my being not to go "lady, I am not in a geenie costume, I am not a geenie, and SHUT IT- We are feeding you for free! Tomorrow, if you so desire, you can stop by the 7-11 and get some damn Rice Krispies and pour your coke on the top, that shouldn't be too sweet!"
Too bad my dream job ended today! :(
I may have never mentioned one of my favorite people, We will call him mysunshine. He is funny funny funny! Well, Mysunshine is having drama with his dear friend. I don't know dear friend.... But I am mad at the situation! And now, she is not talking to him... Sound Familliar? YES! We are old enough to talk to people through our anger Y Generation! Lets Get it together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mach 2 with your hair on fire....
What an eventful day,
This morning I had to be out of my house by 6:40 AM, Summer school started today, and so up and about I got.... My first class, death, dying, and funeral planning 101.... Yeah, not so much- But that is a whole other story for a whole other day... remind me later if you really want to hear...
Class 2- The psychology of sex and crazy sex (OK, so I summarize the names of the classes to make them more interesting- you caught me) And this professor believes in 'word of the day fun' and fun it is... Maybe if you are good I will share these words....
Then off to work.... I am a professional multitasker- aka preschool teacher- and for all of you with preschool age children, multiply them by 12 on a bad day, and you too will understand my line of work... But seriously, I love it... A small sidebar... A kid who just got glasses was wearing a shirt that said "four eyes good, two eyes bad"- I asked him how many eyes he had and he said "just two so I am bad" Parents, for the love of chocolate, explain these things to your children!!!
Then I went to go get some other stuff for me to fill my 'freetime' with.
And home I went....
I had an email waiting for me from Mr. Eerie silence himself.... He is talking to me.... or at least e mailing me.... Did he find my blog?
Definately not, because I doubt that noone has actually read my blog beside me, But good therapy it is... So I charge on,
Until next time, kids.... or empty space....
Eerie silence
Have you ever heard that saying "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"? Not so much, not good advice at all... I am not talking to my best friend right now, I haven't talked to him in 3 months. I hate it... I am one of those people that says whatever comes to mind, I am not good at telling 'white lies' to preserve other people's feelings... Even if I were to try- my real emotions are written all over my face. This lovely fact never fails.... I have no other choice but to cease communications (He does it too)- Or he gets angry and I get angry, and it just gets ugly.... This isn't the first time we have stopped talking, but I certainly hope that this is not the last, but I think it may be... And it is making me sad.
The scale never lies, but I do!
OK, I have a confession to make.... I will never admit my real weight to anyone I know. Nope, never... Except my doctor... BUT- If I had the choice I would not tell him either.... Why am I thinking about this? Well, I am sitting here watching CNN- they are talking about the Alabama teen that is missing in Aruba.... And they just announced her weight on national television! Can you imagine? if that were me, I would probably give birth to a cow upon news that the continental US knew my real weight.... Now granted, she does weigh 110 lbs. and I frankly, don't. OK, on second thought, I would probably not care at all if I had been lost for a week in Aruba and been located by authorities.... So I shall think happy thoughts for her and her family....
It is a strange love...
Have you ever noticed that it is ok to love some things, but you are considered such a weirdo if you love others? I seriously love some seriously strange things.... I love the normal things too, I love my husband, my friends, my dog... But I really do seriously love some very strange things and rituals that seem so very trivial- but you know what? These things are my strange loves.
I love Peter Pan, I love the movies (all of them) and I was oh so disappointed when I saw The Lost Boys, and it was not Peter Pan at all.... I would seriously love to take a tour to neverland...
I love to watch Judging Amy reruns, I never really watch the first broadcast of the show, but the reruns are fantastic,
I love my car but the thought of ever selling her makes me a little sad... She is a lady afterall
I love to sing (even though I can't) to anything I even half way know the words to, Even if I don't know the words, I just make them up.... It doesn't really matter what they say anyways, right?
I love to get a haircut, The reason I love it so much is the bad part... I love it when people comment on the new haircut.
I love the ocean, everything about it- I seriously love to swim in the ocean...
I love to bake, not cook, but bake all kinds of stuff- cookies, brownies, and cakes... I can totally live without eating the stuff(Well I can give some of it away, maybe not all of it)- but I LOVE TO bake.
I love to spend my time to talk to all of my friends that live too far away to see on a regular basis... I would seriously love to be able to see them face to face....
I love fireworks, I love them so much that the 4th of July is my second favorite holiday, behind my birthday
I love politics, I love the way they make people come alive, I love to see the passion on the faces of people when they are trying to convince others of their beliefs (even though they are mostly wasting their breath) but I still love it...
Yeah, OK, I think that is enough of a peek into my brain... Everyone has their strange love, I say as long as they arent hurting anyone- It is fair game...