Mach 2 with your hair on fire....
What an eventful day,
This morning I had to be out of my house by 6:40 AM, Summer school started today, and so up and about I got.... My first class, death, dying, and funeral planning 101.... Yeah, not so much- But that is a whole other story for a whole other day... remind me later if you really want to hear...
Class 2- The psychology of sex and crazy sex (OK, so I summarize the names of the classes to make them more interesting- you caught me) And this professor believes in 'word of the day fun' and fun it is... Maybe if you are good I will share these words....
Then off to work.... I am a professional multitasker- aka preschool teacher- and for all of you with preschool age children, multiply them by 12 on a bad day, and you too will understand my line of work... But seriously, I love it... A small sidebar... A kid who just got glasses was wearing a shirt that said "four eyes good, two eyes bad"- I asked him how many eyes he had and he said "just two so I am bad" Parents, for the love of chocolate, explain these things to your children!!!
Then I went to go get some other stuff for me to fill my 'freetime' with.
And home I went....
I had an email waiting for me from Mr. Eerie silence himself.... He is talking to me.... or at least e mailing me.... Did he find my blog?
Definately not, because I doubt that noone has actually read my blog beside me, But good therapy it is... So I charge on,
Until next time, kids.... or empty space....