Chivalry is Dead
A very wise man (Elle's Daddy) once said "Elle, all men should treat you like a lady until you prove yourself otherwise. And if you ever prove yourself otherwise, I do not want to know about it."
That, my friends, should be a proverb of the twenty first century. While in my state of dazed and confused yesterday evening, a dear friend took place in a horrible conversation via AIM:
(Notact): So we will do lunch tomorrow?
(Lady): Yes, we need to catch up.
(Notact): Heyyyy!!!!!!
(Lady): Hey what?
(Notact): I have been thinking about having sex with you lately
(Notact): Not just with anyone I want to have sex with you.
(Lady): Thanks?
(Notact): Oh you are welcome.
(Notact): So what do you say we put an end to all of this sexual tension and have sex tomorrow, after lunch?
(Lady): I think that is a terrible idea.
(Notact): So negative
(Notact): Always so negative
(Notact): So I will see you at lunch tomorrow?
This, is a true conversation. Dead truthful, only names have been changed to protect anonymity. I cackled in delight upon hearing of the conversation last night.... But upon further review this morning, it is HIDEOUS! And therefore I thought I would share this memo with you lovely people. Chivalry is dead. The idea of a consummate southern gentleman is dead, or at the very least, both chivalry and consummate southern gentlemen are on life support. What happened? Where did it all go? Did we get so wrapped up in equal rights in the twentieth century that we ended up flushing the idea of manners down the toilet? Maybe. Who knows. But so help me Savannah, seedy and disgusting behavior must cease to exist for the greater good of human kind. If I had a time machine, I would transport myself today to the days of Scarlett O'Hara, when the male species was not, for the most part, genetically mutated.