Pregnant people scare me.
Yet another strange phobia of mine... Pregnant People.
Today I went to go get my teburculosis test read, and the doctor that does this is planted in the middle of a whole crap ton of Obstetricians.
Waddling ladies all over the place, and every time one of them passed me, I felt it necessary to steer as clear as possible.
I took the stairs, because five huge pregnant women were waiting on the elevator.
I sat on the left side of the waiting room, because a pregnant person was on the right.
Where does this phobia come from?
I act like these women have leprecy, when in reality all that will happen is that they will shoot out a kid.
With that said, I begin my internship at the Gladney Center for Adoption next week, so I suppose I will get over my fears via submersion.
This should prove to be interesting.