The deal makers. The deal BREAKERS.
Every once in a blue moon, your friends divulge information to you that brings you to tears, that stops you in your tracks, that just totally blind sides you with hilarity.
Last night I was talking to a dear friend, who shall henceforth be referred to as Elle. Elle was having somewhat of a crisis, but when the crisis was over, the conversation turned to the idiot ideas we had in highschool. Both of us dated/hung out with someone way too old to be dating highschool girls, they were both 26. Both of us thought that this may have made us the coolest chicks in Smithville, only to realize much later that this did not make us cool, rather it made them pathetic and desperate.
And then she shared it. The conversation went something like this... (Sorry, Elle, For the paraphrase) "Oh he was just fine. I thought he was lovely. He had a great job at Merryl Lynch, and he was the big brother to my prom date. But then I found out his tragic flaw... He was- Oh I don't think I can even say it, for fear of a flashback of the horror- Well let me try this again. He was- ummm... He was NOT CIRCUMCISED!!! It was disgusting. I tried to get over it I did, but that skin and **gag noise** and that SKIN and **gag noise** and THAT SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh goodness, it is just too much, I thought I was over it, it has been six years, but THAT SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **gag noise**" Once she regained composure, she asked me what was wrong with the twenty something that had persued me while I was still in highschool- and I said...
"Oh, he only had one leg. **Insert hysterical demonic laughter here** "
It was truly amusing. The deal makers, the deal breakers. Some change as you get older and wiser. And some never change. Elle, If you are reading, I love ya' and thanks for the hilarious conversation. I owe you one.