The storm of Icy Death
Yes, yes, I know.
We Texans DO NOT know what to do when ice hits.
Instead of doing a Google search on "what to do when storms of icy death hit" we decide to do something somewhat different.
We panic. We freak out. We go buy groceries. We act like total fuck ups.
Why? You ask?
Let me tell you.
Many, many, many, many, many, many moons ago- when cavemen were roaming the earth- We had this 'Natural Selection' bit working for us. The dumb, sick, weak, and old became dinner for the dear saber tooth tigers. Thus, those that were left to breed were smart and strong.
Our modern society has basically eliminated the whole idea of natural selection. OD on drugs? We can fix it. Cut your arm off while chopping down a tree? We can fix that too. Most any stupid decision can now be reversed, or corrected thanks to modern medicine...
And with all of the medical advances, we are breeding bigger idiots with every generation...
And now I regret to inform you that we have taken this whole 'down with natural selection' theory to a whole new level.
Today, The City's finest, also known as the police, took it upon themselves to close major bridges. Not because there was a wreck. But because they were afraid there was going to be a wreck. Way to be proactive, way to think ahead. But damnit- there goes another form of natural selection.
**** Disclaimer- My mother thinks that this post is exceptionally rude and heinous. She had nothing to do with it. She takes no credit for my cruel sense of humor.