Spaghetti and Truthballs
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
  Mid Twenties Mutant Diva Turtle
You may know my cousins, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.... I am their second cousin twice removed, Mid Twenties Mutant Diva Turlte...

They eat pizza, I eat egg whites (gotta keep that girlish figure)

They spend their time saving the world with num chucks, I spend my time shopping and saving the world from fashion faux pauxs.

Their Ninja names are Leonardo, Donatello, Michael Angelo, and Raphael.... My Diva name is-- Cher.

They have a mutant rat named Splinter-- I have a mutant gay man named Scotty Pants.

Thats right, I have morphed into a turtle....

My shell being the covers on my bed....

Occasionally I will stick out a toe, or an arm, or on the rare occasion my head-- only to realize that the world is too cold, too bright, or too something....

And then I retreat into the warmth of my shell, also known as covers...

But I am in need of three more Diva Turtles, anyone care to join me?
The other three would be Madonna, Whitney and Barbara. Oh what about Celine? Decisions, decisions.
I nominate styles. He's very flamboyant, and he appears to be quite impulsive. Also, it's written into his contract that he receive 3 dozen white roses for his cubicle every day. If that's not diva, then I'm not hung like Uncle Milty.
I'll be stuffing that ballot box like a chicago mayoral candidate.

Somebody run to the cemetary.
styles, you are not in your mid twenties... Sorry...

Robin, what is Your Diva Turtle name? You forgot to select a name! ;)
You, my dear, are no longer know as "Cher" from hence forth you, my Diva Turtle, will be known as Miss Bette Davis... and I Miss Elizabeth Taylor!
I'm in my mid-twenties.
And I'm already a DIVA.
And, um... I have a chinese good-luck turtle statue in my bedroom window.

Does that count?
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