Who is up for a probe today?
For this little rendition of my life, I must preface this story with the fact that I rarely ever do only one thing at a time- I am usually working on my laptop, watching television, and talking on the phone all at the same time. It is my finding that the more stimulated I am, the better the work I produce is. The downfall is that I never really know what is on tv, and I never really know what the other person on the other line is talking about. But I find that combining these activities makes it very easy for me to do other important things such as sleeping for nine hours every day, playing my Super Nintendo, and completing my Betty F. Crocker activities.
I woke up this morning, and I was laying there in my usual state of 'my body is awake but my brain is still asleep,' all cuddly and warm wrapped up like a burrito. The television was on in the background- and the first thing I heard and processed this morning was "Save the world with Morgan Freeman- or get probed trying"
In my half asleep state, I became very alarmed- I mean, honestly, I don't know Morgan Freeman personally, and I am not interested in getting probed today. I jump out of bed, half confused and half alarmed, arms flailing like a school girl, looking for something appropriate to wear to save the world.... And then it hit me. I realize that this was not the voice of god, my mother, or anyone important- but it was the voice of the announcer on TBS.
Damn, I hate it when that happens.