What makes you an odd bird???
I am an eclectic little girl, and I really always have been.
I know so many senseless facts, that my reputation preceeds me. For instance, did you know that giraffes have a series of valves in their neck to prevent their head from popping off due to pressure when they bend down to take a drink? Or, do you know what kokigamy is? I do, it is the ancient japanese art of dressing up the penises in paper costumes. My head is jam packed with stupid facts.
I never go anywhere of value without my makeup, not because I look all that different- but just because I like putting it on. On the contrary, I make it a point to go to the grocery store in my pajamas at least once a week.
I have absolutely no patience for grown adults who are not in control of their life... But I am a pro with children. I actually will be making a career out of that.
I love kids, I am really good with them- but I don't know if I want children of my own.
Another case in point of how eclectic I am. I love to run around in heels and dressed all nice with lots and lots of accessories... But I have a collection of absolutely hilarious T-Shirts that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to wear every once in a blue moon... Such as: Vanderbilt Equestrian Team: We only ride the best, or my Saint Bernard tye dye beer shirt. (Yeah, you caught me- I generally "borrow" my most interesting shirts from my brother or other unsuspecting victims)
Here is another good one. I watch the style network, Lifetime, TNT (they really know some drama), or chick flick movies.... But secretly, I like to watch baseball, a little football, and basketball on TV. But not in excess.... Just a little dab will do me.
I have a point to all of this, really I do. I want to know what is so damn weird about you- So let 'er rip!!!