Every other friday, I am lucky enough to take a trip to Switzerland. Not the country per say, but my very own personal Switzerland...
It is a lovely place, and in it is a lovely man, who listens to me rant about my lovely little life, and my lovely little problems for 50 minutes, he then provides me with some lovely feedback, and I go on my lovely way.
All in all it is... Lovely.
Yeah, for those of you paying attention, some call it "therapy" but for me, that term denotes a lack of control of things in life, so I prefer to call it 'Switzerland'
So Switzerland and I talked about the last two weeks of my life, and he said that I am not doing well with saying what I think and thinking what I say. All of my life I have had people telling me to shut my mouth, stop saying just what I think, or whatever. ALL OF MY LIFE... Except, of course, those first few years in which I had not fully developed my verbal skills.
And really, I have always considered myself to have a problem with verbal vomit. Apparently I don't have quite the problem that I thought I had, and instead I am verbally constipated.
So here is to the next two weeks, in which I will be practicing saying what I think and thinking what I say.
My condolences to the poor souls who get in my way.