Beauty School Dropout
OK, this post shall come with a warning... All same sex oriented males, brothers, or friends of the brother, should turn back now.... RUN FAR, FAR, AWAY! KEEP RUNNING!
Still with me? OK, but I warned you. No bitching later.
Let me tell you of an experince that I had yesterday. My dear friend, Katherine, and I decided to go to the poor man's spa (AKA Beauty University- ok... AKA beauty school) for a facial and a blow out. While booking the appointments I realized that a bikini waxing was in order for myself, and how bad could these jokers possibly fuck it up?
So what the hell, I wasn't scared- A bikini wax to boot.
The facial was just fine, the blow out was A OK, but the bikini wax, oh the bikini wax....
Let me preface you people with a little tid bit about waxing.... One should always use powder so not to rip the skin off with the hair, and one should always pull the skin tight so not to bruise the skin when pulling out the hair. Really and seriously, this should not be too difficult.
But take my advice, DO NOT allow a Beauty School Esthiticial to wax the bikini area.
By the end of this procedure, I had Katherine (who was there to supervise the activities, to ensure that these assholes knew what they were doing- which she tried to protect me as best she could), Beauty School Dropout number one, Beauty School Dropout number two, and the instructor supervising.
All in All, mission accomplished. I only lost skin in one place, the pain was average, and I will be going back to Highland Park the next time said activity is in order because stupid ideas and the activities that ensue really shouldn't be repeated.