I wish they all could be California Girls.
My daddy had his knee replaced six days ago, and now he is having issues with a large intestine infection. His knee is doing well, but for my mental health, I need for him to be all better. Since I was in my early teens, my father has been telling me that he was going to die by the time he was 70. I am not sure where he came up with this thought, but he did. I hate it. I hate the thought. I wish he had never said it, but every time something tiny happens, I find myself praying to any God that will listen for his safety and health. I need for him to be OK.
I was driving to class and I almost lost it, because I started thinking about what a great father my daddy is. I know I am biased. But my Daddy is, and always will be, my number one guy.
And then to top it all off
I broke my 'I miss scott' mug today.
And even though I know that it is a three dollar mug from IKEA, its my mug. It is my mug, and it is my mug that reminds me of Scott.
And even though it isn't the issue at all, I cried like I just dropped a ten carat diamond down the drain. The mug isn't the issue, but sometimes, the little thing catches all of the tears.