There are two sides to every story.
After my very lovely roadtrip with the very lovely whitney (pictures to follow soon) wherein we partook in very fun activities, such as throwing a 'Religion 101' CD into the Mississippi river, entertaining ourselves in the tiny little river towns that are in the bootheel of Missouri, realizing that my happiness is directly correllated to the number of bars on my cellular device, and doing the whole DC tourist things.... I boarded the airplane for my dissent home.
I am now suffering from some seriously painful lower abdominal pain that is completely inexplicable by the modern doctor. I am going to see doctor #2 today.
But seriously, it hurts.
On the other hand, I am very excited, as the lovely Detroit boys are hosting the drunken soiree that is the gay pride parade pre and post party at their new NOT IN DETROIT abode.
By the way, I miss my brunch boys, they are like my religion.