Time To Let Go.
Letting go of things has never ever ever been a strong suit of mine. Never. Ever.
Ask the brunch boys, if they cross me at brunch, it is pretty much a given that I get to carry on my pout fest through the remainder of the very long meal.
That being said, I hold onto good things too. Friendships? I never really let them go. I may let them be distanced. But never do I just turn loose.
Good feelings of the past? I hold tight.
Bad feelings of the past? Unfortunately, I hold on to those too.
It's time to let go. Time to let go of something that I don't want to hold on to anymore. Something that I don't want to remember anymore. Something that I don't want plaguing me any longer.
It's time to say adieu. Farewell to things that never should have been. Its time to forgive myself for the mistakes I have made in the past, because I can't fix them. This is me putting it into writing that I am letting it go.