Spaghetti and Truthballs
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
  “Things in law tend to be black and white. But we all know that some people are a little bit guilty, while other people are guilty as hell.”
When the inner psychee takes us down a path we don't care to venture down... It is never comforting, but always thought provoking. I recognize that I, as everyone hold my imperfections. I know that some of them are endearing. I know that others will lead to the downfall of me. All the while, I am still guilty.
Guilty of believing in someone who didn't deserve to be believed in.

Guilty of holding on to someone or something too long.

Guilty of lying, cheating, and stealing all in order to fulfil an unnecessary need.

Guilty of allowing the small and petty to affect the large and imperative.

Guilty of loving someone who didn't deserve to be loved.

Guilty of giving up on someone who deserved support.

Guilty of saying things I don't mean.

Guilty of meaning things I don't say.

Guilty of being a pain in the ass in the present, over things that have happened in the past.

Guilty of not swallowing pride, when swallowing was definitely in order.

Guilty of letting go of a dream too soon.

Guilty of missing the unmissable.

Guilty of allowing my cynicism and pessimism overtake my optimistic and trusting side.

Guilty of losing touch with the people and belief system that made me what I am today.

Guilty of Hurting someone who didn't deserve it.

Guilty of growing up when I swore I wouldn't.

...And sometimes, it is really hard to admit guilt when you are trained to believe that you couldn't possibly be wrong.
{big hugs}
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