Spaghetti and Truthballs
Friday, June 23, 2006
  Going postal never sounded so good
Yes, for the record, I know that I am being irrational and moody and irritable and all things unkind.

But sometimes even we grown ups have to throw temper tantrums.

Things People Forget about the Temper Tantrum Episodes:

1) We all throw them. Basketball players literally lay down on the court and kick. Big Girls simply huff around.

2) The root of the ill is far more than whatever warrants the temper tantrum, but the warranting agent should also be removed. At least until the root is fixable.

3) Your closest friends just have to deal with it. You do the same for them, so they get to return the favor.

Sometimes, tempertantrums are multiplied exponentially due to external irritants.
And at all times (at least whenever I throw them), once the said temper tantrum is thrown, you feel a whole lot better.

As long as you apologize to who-- or what-- ever you may hurt when the tantrum is thrown. Cause if anyone-- or anything-- gets in your way, they're GONNA get hurt.

Believe me, I know what you mean.
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