Beware of philosophical objects
It is agreed that it is the human condition to do what feels good. Only, we have complicated this basic rule with things like 'moral compasses' and 'civic duty' and 'relationships.'
So now what we have are these very complicated selves that try to please all of these aspects with every single strategically planned event.
It gets confusing. It gets old. It gets tiring.
It becomes rather muddled. You stop knowing when to please yourself, or when to take one for the team...
You can't pay homage to what the team wants all of your life, but you can't do what you want, just because you want it either.
It makes for a muddled mess. Does all of that get easier when you get old? Doubtful.
On the other hand, I had an amazing weekend filled with things that I find enjoyable. Cowboymouth, The Wild Flower Festival, A Chorus Line, Fine Dining, Sunday Brunch, Smurf figurines, Desperate Housewives season finale (which was AMAZING), the whole gammett if you will.