Taking a Moment to Mourn
Way back in the days PB (pre blogging) I stumbled onto the whole blogging regime by accident.
The first blog I fell upon was
Secret Simon. Secret Simon was a man who had two young children, a lovely wife, and a home in the suburbs of a sunshine state. Life, on the exterior, was seemingly good. One small problem: he was gay.
Simon chronicled his coming out, and other life happenings.
It was, to say the very least, inspirational to me. The idea of seemingly perfect exteriors and ravaged interiors was something that I knew all too well. The fact that no body knew what I was dealing with was also something that I knew all too well. The idea of keeping up appearances was less than foreign to me.
Recently, Simon divulged his voice. After divulging his voice, he divulged his face. Then Simon let people know his real name.
Then Simon did something that all of us will do eventually... Simon quit writing. He has said his goodbyes and packed up. Onto bigger and better things.
I am sincerely happy that he has made the decision that works best for him. I wish him well, but I think in all the time that I have been reading his blog, I forgot to say thank you. Simon, even though our stories have precious little in common, your blog meant the world to me. It wasn't just a good soap opera read, it was so much more...