Oh how I love my Twenty- Four Year old Metabolism
As I sat watching a movie on Monday night, I swear to you that I could feel my fat cells engorging. I swear. I could feel my chin turning into two, I could feel my ass spreading to be so large that it was coming dangerously close to needing two seats on airplanes, and I could feel my gut turning to Bill Cosby's favorite snack.
I know you think I am kidding, but sadly I am not.
The next morning, I woke up, stepped on the scale, and had gained seven pounds. For those of you who don't know what seven pounds is, it is the equivalent of smearing twenty eight (Yes... TWENTY EIGHT) sticks of butter randomly about your body. Gross.
Something had to be done.
Say it with me: Salad, Egg whites, Vegetables, and Grilled Chicken...
And I have lost 2.5 pounds!!!!!! Now, only twenty pounds to go.