Spaghetti and Truthballs
Friday, March 03, 2006
  Tom the 'Token Gay Friend'
Sometimes my mind works in very mysterious ways....

...Today was no exception.

***Before reading on, I request that my gay readers not be offended by this and take it in the light that it was intended***

I get on Myspace to find a friend request from Tom the Token Gay friend.

I clicked deny, as I have plenty of "Tokens." Plenty.

Then I started thinking... If I traded all of my gay friends in for a $10 bill, I would be damn near rich. I would then invest my gay money in the stock market, and definately be rich. Not that I would trade anyone for a $10 bill, I am just saying...

Then another thought hit me, what if all of my Gay friends were turned into Barbie dolls? I would have a whole Matel doll store.

The thought of having little plastic gay men made me laugh until I cried.

And then my next great business venture hit me... I should make Boy Barbie dolls in all of the different gay flavors. We will have the twinks, we will have the otters, the bears, every subculture will be represented... And all of these boy barbies will come naked. Why naked? Because YOU get to pick the accessories! We will have leather, baby D&G outfits, Kenneth Cole, we will have the whole gammett. Furthermore, we will also have accessories for these boybarbies including, but not limited to, the hankie codes hankerchiefs, jewelry, hell.... we will even have boybarbie condoms.

I am telling you, I could be holding the key to the next big thing.

Now... Who wants to invest their lifesavings in my hairbrained scheme?
LOL!!! That was great!! I myself have a lot of gay friends... And just like Bratz they'd sell!

I assume the boybarbie condoms are the full body wrap variety...otherwise can you imagine what a pain they'd be to put on a small plastic man that size? And then we end up with rampant boybarbie STDs and wouldn't that just suck.
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