Spaghetti and Truthballs
Monday, March 06, 2006
  Story Time Round Two
OK people. It is time for another rowdy rendition of Story Time-- Round Two.

The name of the game, for those who have never played it is 'Lets Tell A Story!' Every time you open the link to this blog, you MUST and I mean MUST add a piece to the story (in the comment box)

As always, I will begin...

Once Upon a Time in a Land Far Far Far Far Far Far Far away there was this frog, who thought he may be a prince, but was really unsure. So he stayed in the proverbial frog prince closet...
get a personal trainer, who will henceforth be referred to as Trainer Craig. Trainer Craig and Styles the frog princess met at the lillypad gym nightly. For at least two hours. And when Styles the frog princess was not at the gym, she was hopping across the banks of the rivers, trying to get the most cardiovascular fat burning activity in as possilbe, all so one day she could wake up in a lillypad next to the elusive 'hot prince'.....
of a leprochan!

But being a smart princess... she captured him and his pot of gold.

Martinis were had all around, she chose grey goose... low in calories
But the leprechan was a sneaky little one. He escaped the the lillypad prison by jumping in the water and swimming to shore. Crawling out of the slime that encircled the pond, he cursed, "Styles will rue the day that she took me pot-o-gold. I will curse her with all the power of my Lucky Charms." And with that proceeded to curse Styles.

No matter how hard Styles worked at trying to get trim, it never seemed to work. The princess frog took what little gold was left and tried to get a plastic surgeon to 'streamline' her features. After a horrible mishap, the once lovely green frog lost her color and turned to the shade of a toad, she lost her nose and had to wear face masks to cover the gaping hole, and moved to a lillypad and called it Neverland.
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