Crossing the anonymity border.
Did you people out in the blog-o-sphere miss me?
I missed me too.
But I am fighting an invisible battle.
The battle of anonymity versus complete and total loss of privacy.
Back when I started this blog, no one knew who Ms. S'Ghetti was. No one knew where the words came from, who was being discussed, or what was really going on.
And the blog grew from one lonely reader, to two. From two to four. From four to not enough, but still too many.
And my words have been shoved back in my mouth.
I mean, really, what is the fun of dissecting my personal life, when the people that are so damn fun to discuss are sitting on the other end of a computer reading your inner most thoughts?
And do I discuss them anyways?
Or do I talk about my shoes instead?
Is there a way to get the anonymity back?
Am I willing to get the anonymity, if it means losing all of the people that read?
Is there even a reason to write if no one reads?
Do I blog because I like the attention?
All questions that I have been mulling over during my blog hiatus.
I didn't find the answers. But I am back anyways.
Look forward to tomorrows post on my shoes.