Spaghetti and Truthballs
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
  Attack of the Covert Snot Peeps.
I woke up this morning, like any regular morning. Only my level of apathy was extremely high. We have henceforth decided that this is due to the Attack of Covert Snot Peeps. They are, life sucking, after all.

I mustered up the strength to wash my face, and shower. But when it came down to getting dressed and applying the coveted makeup, I could not find the strength.

I stared into my large bag of expensive makeup, looking for a little inspiration. But, alas, I found none.

There was only one thing to do. Push through it. I MADE myself apply concealer. I insisted that I put powder on. After that, my willpower was shot.

I looked to the makeup gods for inspiration, but alas. Nothing.

There is only one thing to do in situations such as these. You rummage through someone elses makeup- in hopes that their collection provides the much lacking inspiration.

Much to my delight, June's makeup collection provided the inspiration that I needed. You see, I had been missing my elusive MAC plum eyeshadow, named sketch. And what did I find in her vanity? That is correct, Sketch. He has returned to his rightful home, and will provide the inspiration for the look du jour that I will henceforth refer to as "bruise" (which for all of you people who do not understand my lingo, means that I will be sporting a purple and black ensemble.)

Yay for inspiration! Yay for things returning to their rightful homes! And finally Yay for all of the good things that are coming today!!!
There is nothing more attractive than a face you know intimately from years of shared time. The wrinkles around the eyes or the smoothness over the cheeks, the pits and scars from injury, the eyebrows that grown a little wild at arch, the cute bulb of the nose or the ears that stick out just a tad more than normal, the bristle of reddish-brown beard or the never-quite-gone razor burn on the neck, the deeply recessed eyes or the prominent jaw.... Scanning all the elements and putting them together and feeling that pattern-match moment when your brain says, "Yes! That is the person I adore; whom I know and who knows me".
What could be more amazing?

The most beautiful women in the world wear no makeup, which is why they are beautiful. I know that may not mean much coming from a "4.5" on the Kinsey Scale, but still...

On the other hand, here is what Nicole Kidman looks like before she puts her makeup on, so maybe I'm just an unrealistic romantic.
um... since I seem to have trouble posting external pics here, you should be able to cut-and-paste this URL for that picture:
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