Spaghetti and Truthballs
Thursday, December 15, 2005
  Story time.
OK, here on my blog-- I make the rules (since it is my blog and all)

Today, the name of the game is

Lets tell a story. I am going to start. You people must add a sentence to the story(and you can do so in the comment box). Do NOT close this window without playing the game. If you open the page twice today, you gotta add two lines... And so on and so forth.

Remember, I know who is reading (and my father is Santa Claus) so if you do not play my game- You will get coal in your stocking.

I will start.

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a......
...grand-sounding but rather plain-looking tap-dancing ballerina fairy princess veterinarian who ventured into Shady Forest looking to pick some watercress for a salad to be served at the dinner party she was throwing that very evening for all her happy woodland friends (the sad woodland friends weren't invited, which is why they were so sad).
therefore they ate all of the watercresses post-haste and chewed the ribbons off of the the princess's tap shoes. They then danced around to angry punk music and rebelled against the authority of the grand-sounding but rather plain-looking tap-danceing ballerina fairy princess veterinarian.
Because the fairy princess veterinarian had lost her ribbons on her tap shoes due to the anger of the angry woodland friends-- and she had no watercress due to the same angry friends, she was forced to rethink her outfit and food choices for her evening of happy festivities.
The grand-sounding but rather plain-looking tap-dancing ballerina fairy princess veterinarian found her some big ass cowboy boots at the local fairy cowtown store and ordered her friends to do the same in order to execute her plan to get back at the formerly sad but now angry fairies that were dancing to punk music and disturbing the peace of the forest
The fairy was faced with two choices....

She either had to run for dear life, or submit to a life of being the ogre's bitch....

While considering her two fates.... Something happened...

The sky opened up, and down beamed a... a.... a....
massive bolt of lightning emanating from the fingertips of Dweezil the Taupe, a wizard of great reknown with a significant pedigree when it came to slaughtering of lonely ogres. The ogre's garishly bloated body convulsed as the lightning coursed through him, skin began to peel off his face and his seven jeans vaporized entirely. The ogre eventually collapsed dead in a heap, his hulking, rotting corpse to serve as a reminder that not returning phone calls is a deadly sin in the dating game. Particularly after anal.
So there she was, stuck in the tree-- she was so upset by this recent turn of events, she began to cry...
a glow through the spaghetti noodles...
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