Mobile Closet
It is official. My car has turned into my mobile closet....
I couldn't find my shoes today, I looked everywhere-- Under the bed, in the closet, on the floor, under the eruption of laundry.... It seemed that the damn shoes had taken a hike.
I was just about to rethink my outfit to match shoes that I could locate, when it struck me.... I went out to my car, and there they were.... My brown shoes. Along with my black heels, my work shoes, my sneakers, and two pair of flip flops.
I also had two of my winter coats, my sweatshirt, a sweater, two pairs of pants, and various accessories.
Which leads me to a delimma. My corture must be located in one place, so I either need to clean out my room and move everything to my car, or clean out my car and move it into my room. Decisions, Decisions.