Spaghetti and Truthballs
Sunday, December 11, 2005
  Lesbiterians of the world unite.
For this little tale, I am going to have to ask you folks to use your imagination...

Picture this dork: He is tall and skinny, mousy brown hair that is an almost mullett, round geek glasses, wears the SAME strange black jean jnco pants that fit in the waist-- With a large skeleton on the ass. Wears the SAME black t shirt with a skeleton on it, tucked in to his Jnco's, a belt, and White Sneakers.

I work with this fuck up.

And this fuck up sat with June and I last night-- which was not so objectionable because we were chugging on bottomless glasses of wine... But the glasses were not so bottomless that we found said dork even remotely attractive.

Excuse me for having taste.

So today I get to work, and it was a game of twenty questions...

Dork: So, what did you two do last night?
Me: Drank, then we watched a movie.
Dork: Where did you watch the movie?
Me: In my bed.
Dork: Was June with you?
Me: Yes.
Dork: Did she spend the night?
Me: Yes.
Dork: Where did she sleep?
Me: In my bed.
Dork: Where did you sleep?
Me: In my bed.
Dork: Oh, you slept in the same bed?
Me: Yes.
Dork: Did you do anything else last night?
Me: We cackled.
Dork: Oh..... So where do you live?
Me: At my mom's house.
Dork: Are you ever going to move out?
Me: Yes.
Dork: Where are you going to move?
Me: To Dallas
Dork: Are you going to live with anyone?
Me: Yeah, June.
Dork: Oh, so you two are lesbians?
Me: What makes you think that?
Dork: Well, neither one of you were interested in me, so I just assumed.

Well, Dear sir. Thank you. Thank you for further proving my jadedness toward the masses of the male community. Thank you. NOOOOOO, thank you.

Thank you for not understanding that girls can be friends, thank you for not understanding that you are FUCKING ugly. Thank you for not understanding that you are a 38 year old "night at the roxbury" character come true.

But most of all, huge dork, thank you for the hour of laughter that ensued, because of you I dont have to do sit ups for a week.
You should make out with June in front of him... Or say we made a movie or something!!!

Maybe it'd shut him up!! Or wait, maybe not... Dudes are way into lesbianism!
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