Spaghetti and Truthballs
Monday, December 05, 2005
  it is all in the stars.... Damnit.
I have never really paid close attention to the whole astrology thing, other than reading my horoscope when it is convenient... And I also know that my personality closely fits that of a scorpio's, example to follow:

Secretive, Volatile, Obsessive, Brooding, Intense, Moody, Hot Headed, Lustful, Jealous and Demanding, Obstinent, Quick Tempered, Totally Hypnotic.

And that pretty much sums me up in a nutshell...

But what I never realized is that for the most part, my friends are all either Virgos, Libras, Scorpios, or Cancers. There are very few exceptions to this rule, and I find that eerie.

I had my Tarot cards read on Friday evening- and those too were oddly truthful. It is all kind of freaky.

Why all this talk of the stars? I dont really know. But all of a sudden, The cosmic forces are of particular interest to me. Maybe because I think that I am cosmically challenged lately. Maybe because I am searching for those who won't drop me in the proverbial ocean when they get the chance, or maybe because I just plainly and simply have too much time on my hands.

But what can I say? I am trying to make sense out of the things that make no sense at all.
I am a gemini!
Thank you, two exceptions for pointing this out...

And I know that my Satan1 is also a Gemini....
I am a Cancer ... oh wait, that was one on your list ... Nevermind

we have the same sign! That's totally awesome. Send me your email and we can start corresponding toot sweet...
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