Spaghetti and Truthballs
Friday, December 30, 2005
  Diggin' For Gold
Another timeless story to add to my repoirtoire.

While working last night, I believe I experienced the strangest thing ever.

I walked up to one of my tables to greet them, and there was a mid- thirties balding man, sitting there, as plain as day, picking his nose. Not scratching his nose, but most certainly picking his nose. The guy was tickling his brain. I did not know what to do, so I just carried on as if this man DID NOT have his finger up his nose, and asked him what he would like to drink...

He answers, all the while his finger up his nose... When I came back with his beer, He ordered, just as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, never got up to wash his hands, never pulled out antibacterial hand sanitizer, nothing. Hell, he even had his grubby little paws all over the menu. The man just went about his meal as if he had never shoved one of his digits up his nasal cavity. (I did make the judgement call to throw that menu away)

When he left, I took a walk with my boss to go look at the clouds, and we were discussing the nose picker. I have seen the car nose pickers, the kid nose pickers, and the friend nose pickers.... BUT GROSS. I know most everyone has picked their nose in their adult lives, but there is a time and place for everything, and a restaurant is not the time or the place.

I find myself asking this one pertinent question, If I had an idiots jail... Would the nose picker be thrown in it?
You're just lucky he didn't eat it in front of you.

Just sayin'.
Hmmm... have you by any chance heard
this song?
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