Sunday Funday
Two Score and four years ago, in the weee hours of the mornin' I made my debut... On Friday, November the 13th.... That explains a lot.
My mother, AKA The Incredible Hulkette, and her obscene pain tolerance (that has gotten her through a perforated ulcer that was allowing stomach acid to dump on her internal organs while she was complaining of a "twinge" in in her stomach..) were pressed to the test. I was born back labor breech, the doc reached up into my mother to turn me around, and I turned back around- all of this with only a mere shot of demerol.
In my little acrobatic stunt, I managed to wrap the cord around my neck- No worries, I have hulkette genes.
I was a little shit even before I was born, and had the parents thinkin' they were getting a boy. My name was supposed to be Scott. And then I arrived- debuting as the Diva Extroidinaire.... Causing my father to leave my mother at the hospital well after checkout time, because he and my Francie (grandma) were dousing everything that stood still in pink eyelit fabric- so it would be adequately decorated for all that is me.
And twenty four years have passed, and it is still the same as it was all that time ago. Happy Birthday to me.