Spaghetti and Truthballs
Monday, November 07, 2005
  Because U Love It.... And I did too.
What did I do Sunday? What's that you ask? Yes, that was us sitting on the patio of BULI causing a ruccuss, entertaining the masses on Cedar Springs, being way too loud for our own good, and making our coffee event last over four hours.

For those of you not familliar with what the hell I am talking about, in the good old gayberhood, there is a good old coffe shop, and it's good old name is BULI. It is rather entertaining- and this good old girl decided to meet a couple of good old boys in order to partake in non alcoholic beverages. So there we were, Mr. Pants (AKA Scott), Salty Pretzel Twist, and yours truly.

The conversation flowed like alcohol does at a free bar, we all learned something new about one another, and we had a damn blast. So with that, I have decided to create a top ten list from yesterday...

Top Ten Conversation Highlights of Yesterday:

10) Mr. Pants got his play dough taken away from him as a child because he did naughty things to it. OK, really it was because he would lick it to keep the brothers away from it- but the first way I put it was far more entertaining.

9) In order to rectify the lack of playdough in Mr. Pants's life- Salty and I have decided to host a playdough playing, Talk Sex with Sue Johansen watching potluck at The Pants's house.

8) Mr. Pants likes it rough... What, you don't believe me? Just check out the black eye. OK, you caught me again- the black eye was from rugby... Or some rough full contact sport.

7) It is fun to go to the bathroom with Barbie.

6) I learned that if you chose to partake in the whole homo hanky code, it is impairative to stay away from the fur, the maroon, and the ziplock baggies.

5)Salty Pretzel Twist has earned his name of twisted. He came up with some wicked cruelties for his first round of my favorite "Would you rather" game. (His question for the pants was 'would you rather saw off both of your hands with a piano wire or have an all night long orgi with Liberachi and Lawrence Welk- in old age?')

4) The Pants called me a 'Diva extrordinaire' and then decided I was a 'Princess in Training,' which is OH SOOOOOO WRONG!!!

3) The pants met up with an old friend- er- acquaintance...

2) Incedentally, this said 'old acquaintance' had recieved some birthday spankin's from our good old friend on the streets of the gayberhood... (Raise of eyebrows goes here)

and the Number one thing I learned yesterday.....

1)When you put three people who are naturally a bit eclectic together add just a touch of caffiene to the mix, and blend well, and you get entertainment to the maximum.
Caffine and Chocolate endorphines were at the maximum point yesterday. BULI's Frozen Hot Chocolate is awesome!

I had an awesome time meeting you yesterday! And who would have guessed that a "Coffe Meeting" would have turned into a 4.5 hour Entertainment show for the customers at BULI's? Do we need a theme for next time we are there?

I thought that story was totally going in another direction. Still funny, though.

The last time I went out for Sunday afternoon coffee, I woke up in Doha dressed in a headscarf with pink lipstick. So uncool.
I was, but I had technical difficulties- so that will have to be re taken with my real digital camera-
OH MY GOD! I forgot about the Ultra Sensitive Salty Pretzel Nipples of Manly Ring Pictures!

I bet Ms. S'ghetti has it as her desktop picture. Uh huh "Technical difficulties".
I am so sad that I missed out on you guys festivities Sunday... Next time I am SO there~!
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