Spaghetti and Truthballs
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
  And now for a trivial rant by yours truly...
I just threw away the pumpkin that the brother had carved for Haloween.... Yeah, I know, repugnant that it was out until today, but that is just the way we roll around here sometimes.

But who had the genius idea that it was fun and festive to cut faces into a piece of fruit?!? Then, I would like to know who had the idea that we should display them for all to see?!? Then, we must leave them to get all mushy and moldy- WHY?!? OH WHY?!?

I must state that this 'throw the rotting pumpkin away' experience was not as truly stomach turning than the last time... Last time I carved a lovely pumpkin in Florida, with a witch flying over the moon. In Florida, pumpkins rot in two seconds flat due to the high humidity and heat... So I think it had been on our porch for two days when gnats started swarming around the rotting orange fruit that we decided to cut up.... We left it there for another week or two, waiting for the gnats to go away, they never did. So we had to trek from the back of the apartment complex all the way to the dumpster with gnats accompanying us the whole damn way. It was FOUL.

And now for a trivial thought by yours truly:
Why is it that I bother eating organic food when I go out and partake in the spirits on the weekends? I wonder why no one makes organic whiskey...??? Maybe I shall be the one to make an organic distillery- I wonder if there is a market for that...
Organic Whisky, two words, Jack Daniels. I will need plenty tomorrow. As I have lunch with someone whom I love and get irratated by all at the same time. Be that as it may crack me a beer.
What about moonshine? Can't get much more organic than that.

You're going blind anyway with all this blogging and internet surfing. Do it up right.
Maybe there's a way to use old Halloween pumpkins for hooch? I think after you drink it, you might think of those giant gourds as squash instead of fruit! ;)
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