Spaghetti and Truthballs
Sunday, October 09, 2005
  Wound Tight.
June "The Bitch" Cleaver and I had our road trip this weekend, and as always, we found so many ways to entertain ourselves.

1) Some Truck Driver thought we were hot, and put out an all call on the CB, so we had truckers staring, honking, waving, and blowing kisses at us the whole way there.

2)We sang to RENT like we were in the original broadway cast.

3) June informed me that she does not eat things that squirt goo in her mouth, unless- of course- they are creme filled. We were talking about Nemo gummy fish, but it was too funny to pass up.

4) We ate at a Shit Pit restaurant in Shit Pit, Texas. It was called Billy something's. We ate chopped beef sandwiches that were made of grade c beef like substance, or dog food, the world may never know. On the upswing of things, they had very delectable pickles- and their Diet Pepsi was not too bad either.

5) I seem to have a very extreme case of verbal vomit when I get around June's man, and tend to let little secrets slip.... I told him the real color of her eyes the last time we were together (which she hides impeccibly well), and this time I informed him of her bad habit with toothpaste.

6) We played a riveting round of 'Would you rather', our favorite made up game with her boy. This is a very entertaining game that has come about because we know most everything we care to know about each other, so we have reverted to conjuring up repulsive questions. Example to follow: "Would you rather eat ten disease infested cockroaches or swim in a pool of vomit?" Any questions that I can use on June for our next round would be greatly appreciated, just leave them in the comments.

7) I slept.

8) We went shopping, where we got some steals of a deal on some rather entertaining stuff. One of our purchases were pink heart 'Best Friend' necklaces. It is the small things.

9) We feel that stores should regulate their sizes and make sizes in between sizes. Shopping was a little frustrating today.

10) It has been decided that for our upcoming birthdays, we will be getting tattoos.

11) It has also been decided that we love The Beatles song, 'When I'm 64"

12) It has also also been decided that we are going to be roommies when we get really old and crochety. That should prove to be a trip.

And then we got home, June is sad because it was a sad day. She had to say goodbye to the beau who is going to go to Baghdad on a civillian contract. I am just wound tight- I am pissy, don't much feel like talking, and am generally being slightly bitchy. I don't know why and I hate it when that happens. SOOOOOOO... If you have a lovely little antecdote for me to make me happy- or to make June happy, that would be lovely. Especially June.

Tomorrow, I will tell you all a little antecdote on Chocolate Covered Rasins, because I am certain that this must be very puzzling for those that don't know.
Yes dear... What a lovely trip. I never thought that 9 hours in a car with someone would prove to be so very entertaining! Especially considering the last road trip you and I went on ended in such a massive disaster... (Quitting smoking, hair brushing, Aunt Bible beater...) eeh disaster. Anywho, I love my heterosexual life partner, I would be huddled in the fetal position right now crying in a corner without you! Love you... when I 64... slappidy slap slap!
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