Spaghetti and Truthballs
Sunday, October 30, 2005
  Can You feel The Love?
I am totally feeling the love this weekend, AKA- I had an ego stroke of a weekend. The whole she bang was kicked off by my big brother's bestest (and hottest) friend writing this about me. I love ya Pips, you rock.

Then my Heterosexual life partner did something she hates to do all for me- She made me this:

Isn't she the best? I love her, and her cake was delectable.

Then it was Haloween Time, and we soooo felt the love all over Fort Worth and all through our block party escapades.

And we met some lovely new friends with fabulous skin- I don't know their names, but lets all take a moment to admire their skin. It is amazing what is so entertaining to you when you are drunk...

And here is the only "straight" boy at the Cedar Springs block party.

I am not convinced he is straight, not even a little bit. But I told Scott Whalen that I would have something tall and strong for him, and I was working with a limited crowd... So work with me. I am taking votes on whether gay straight boy is gay or straight- feel free to weigh in... Whatever the outcome, he served his purpose by buying me a beverage.
***Update- He called Me AND June last night- #1: Probably should not have shared mine and her phone number, but drunk is drunk. #2: Who the hell calls the day after you meet them? I know I have been out of the dating scene for a while, but what happened to the childish games? #3: When would it be an appropriate time to say "Thanks for the drink, but I am still sort of married, no need to call."??? Oh, so many questions.

There are more pictures to follow- I hope you all had as lovely of a haloween as we did! Hugs and Love!!!
Love the pictures!

You are so wonderful trying to have something tall and strong for me! HUGS! I love you! And even bigger kudos for getting him to BUY you the drink.

I vote gay. MAYBE bi, but definately desperate calling both of you the day after.
But of course he bought me the drink!

Is there any other way :) ????
That guy is 100% straight. that you would even call him into question speaks volumes about your malfunctioning gaydar, my lady.

Look at his eyes, they scream "please take me home tonight, my real doll is fraying my last nerve".
Looks like you had a great time!!! I love the costumes!
Jesus, you're complaining because a guy actually called you? Take what you can get. You have a bad attitude and it's pretty obvious from the pics that you've got a good head start on losing your looks. Get pregnant, trap the dude and be glad if the loveless marriage lasts 5 years.
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