What's Your Damage?
What is my damage you ask?
Well let me tell you.
My Brother has moved his X Box downstairs, run a cord from the computer room, past my door, the bathroom door, and the stair well, and into the family room so that he can play XBOX live. Not only is it really hideous to have a cord running through half of your house, but it is a safety issue when you are trying to get ready at the ass crack of dawn... I almost bit it, skidded across the floor on my two front teeth, and had a very serious concussion this morning. Fortunately, I managed to regain my balance. Did I mention that the XBOX is in the fricking den?!? Did I mention he likes to turn the volume up so loud that you can forget doing anything productive while he is playing whatever the hell he is playing?!? Hey Bro, when you read this.... Take the hint and find a new home for your toy.
Damage Number 2:
I had a group meeting with my special group from one of my special classes today, Little Miss "I am a freshman and I have my life planned out, and you are a fuck up for not knowing each and every exact step you will take" gets on this hideous rant about god, religion, and moving to Deluth (or somewhere) to go live with some guy she was in band with. First of all, it seems that your plans have changed since last week, who is the fuck up now? Yes, that would be her. And second of all, I am not interested in her life, I am interested in completing this fricking project and moving on with MY life.
Damage Number 3:
Some fuck wit turned up the resistance on the eliptical machine at the gym to 9. I thought I was being a wuss, so I continued on for 30 minutes at resistence level 9. Now I believe that my hips are going to fall out of their socket. No worries, I will at least get wonderwoman legs out of that one.
Damage Number 4:
My dog has this uncanny ability to know where to place her very sharp paws in order to leave a bruise. (Sidebar: I really don't bruise easily- what with getting my ass kicked by my big brother for a good portion of my life and all) I have this hideous bruise on my forearm, that has left me looking like a heroin addict. Fowl Mc Nasty Mc Fowl.
Another sidebar, I learned to link! Thanks