Spaghetti and Truthballs
Sunday, September 18, 2005
  Weekend in Review.
After having the crappiest Saturday on the record books..... Sunday certainly is proving to make up for it.

Saturday began with a heinous phone call. It was from my dear friend's father. It went something like this.

"J swallowed a bunch of pills on Tuesday night, we got him to the hospital, the police wanted to take him into protective custody but I talked them out of it. He did it again on Wednesday. (Sob Sob Sob) He is alive, but we are looking for a place to admit him." I was mad, I was angry, I was furious, I was enraged, I was everything but empathetic. It reminded me of my cousin, who tried to commit suicide and was not successful, and will forever be a vegetable. I hate him for it, and now I hate J. Wrong emotions, I know. I wish to god I could change the way I feel, but I can't.

The second phone call of the day was from another doll-faced friend. Someone who loves her deeply had hurt her emotionally and physically. Bad, bad feelings aimed at this person, on behalf of her. She is smart, so she knows that she can no longer be with him- But she also still loves him so she can't hate him, and that is what I can do for her, hate him. She is a phenomenal person, she deserves the very best, and she will prevail. (I know you are reading, I love you.)

After the visit with 'doll face', I was even more enraged. I hated one of my best friends, and now I hated the boy that did this to her. I was filled with hate, so I did what any girl would do, I went home, got into bed, and ate cake.


The joy and fun of Sunday.

I was witness to my very first Gay Pride Parade, in which I was surrounded with high levels of fabulousness, I met Mark from and plenty of his very entertaining friends. (P.S.- I still dont know how to insert links! Help!!!)

I was surrounded by rainbows, drag queens, beads, candy, beer, my old art teacher(also known as annoying jackass with the bandanna), a little marijuanna, and A LOT OF FUN. I needed that.

I saw fabooo floats, and every gay group imaginable was there, Dykes on Bikes, DIVA (Dallas Independent Volleyball Association), and PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), to name a few... If you wanna see pictures, go check out Mark's blog, he took lots of 'em!!!

Then I returned home to shower, and now I shall go meet a few friends for some Sushi and Saki.

Lots and Lots of Saki.
Had a fantastic time with you boo boo! Can't wait to do it again. :)

ps, let me know and I'll show you how to insert links, pictures, etc.
thank you so much for being there for me.

and thank you for doing something I can't.

I'm so glad you're coming over tomorrow night.

Tell Katie to call me if she can tonight.
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