Take that YOU BITCHES!
OK, so I stole my title from Cher, but that is not the point...
Ever since I can remember, I have gotten in soooooooooooooo much trouble for the looks that I give to innocent bystanders, friends, family, enemies, and acquaintances. I can say nice things, but when I don't really mean it, it is written all over my face. Hence the reason for my blunt truthfullness/verbal vomit/diarrhea of the mouth/ 'BeccaDisease.' I mean, why bother trying to say nice things when you manage to get labeled as queen of the bitches anyways, right?
It has been said that looks can kill, So far- try as I might- I have not yet killed anyone. But I have quite some time to continue trying.
People have also said that the looks I give could make someone roll over in their grave- To the best of my knowledge I have not been successful in that one either.
The funny thing is, up until tonight, I had no idea what these people were talking about. None of my (several) looks have ever been caught on camera (much like Big Foot) and some have tried to imitate them, but never successfully.
Tonight, my Heterosexual life partner gave me a look that I can only imagine was straight from my face- for the longest time, she was known as the sweet one, the one who would never say or look at you in a way that would hurt/offend you- Tonight she successfully imitated the look I get on my face when I feel someone is a complete dumbass.
I was not hurt, nor was I offended. In fact I split my sides laughing.... It was frickin' hilarious! Not only did I get to see one of the looks that I have heard so much about for all of these years, but I think it is official...
I have turned June Cleaver into "June Cleaver- Bitch of the bitches"