Spaghetti and Truthballs
Sunday, September 11, 2005
  Now Accepting Applications
I would like to make yet another public service announcement....

I am now accepting applications for a vacancy in my life that needs to be filled.

The position of Sugar Daddy requires no formal education, no former work experience, and no practical life experiences. It merely requires that you have access to a large amount of spending cash or credit cards,and you are willing to spend frivalously for me. There is an age limit, fetuses need not apply.

That shouldn't be too hard to find, right?

I know I have previously mentioned the whole Champagne taste, Boones Farm Income issue... Most would say 'get a damn job'- I have one.... The next piece of (very obvious) advice would be 'get a better job.' I doubt seriously that there is a job better than mine....

What is the problem you ask? My job is soooooo fabulous- based on the money for hours worked, I am 99.9% certain that I will be taking a paycut when I enter the real working world .... My job is soooo supercalifragilisticexpialidocious- I only have to work with one other person, and she is the best boss ever.... My job is soooooo extrodinary- I set my hours, I only work when I feel it necessary.

And that is the problem, I think I probably work say.... five hours a week. The rest of my time is spent going to school, drinking, sleeping, shopping, eating, gossiping, finding trouble to make or get into... You know- the really important things in life.

So what would make my day is to spend someone elses money. If I get more than one worthy applicant, I will be happy to share with others who would like a similar arrangement. But since I feel that the applicants aren't exactly going to be flying in- I am making a new week resolution...

I, Ms. S'ghetti, do solemnly promise to double my work time for the week, because I really need to be the proud owner of some cowboy boots, and I need them stat.
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