Spaghetti and Truthballs
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
  Nobody Likes me... Everybody Hates Me.... Guess I'll go eat worms.
Dam*it! Dam*it Dam*it Dam*it!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, non existent blog readers world wide- I AM PISSED! I have written posts, I know people are reading, somewhere.... Even if it's only my brother and best friend- Someone is reading.


So when I signed on this morning, and someone had left a comment, I was so very blissfully excited! I clicked to read it, and it was some jack ass promoting a friggin' search engine.

My hopes and dreams shattered. So here I am, bitching and moaning to the world wide web.

Yes, now I have turned on the word verification. And Yes, I have removed Mr. Search Engine's un comment. I can only equate my feelings to one situation....
Picture it: Third world country, somewhere where they sell their children on the internet to be brides.... I place my best looking child on the internet, and I wait.... I wait, and wait, and wait..... Someone places a bid. And it is some imbred a**hole from Arkansas (No offense to those from Arkansas- but I am on a roll) and they bid one dollar. COWS!

On a total random sidebar, You people have got to check out my new favorite blog.... If I knew how to make the cool little link, I would- But I don't. So get over it. By the way, I so want to go to Rainbow Ranch!
To my hetero sexual life partner! I find your blog meaningful anhighly entertaining. And yes, I will pretend to be you lesbinim lovah so we can go to the rainbow ranch.... but we are bringing gay men for protection!
Ah you're so sweet honey!

Adding links isn't too difficult, but you have to know how to access your template and know where to put the html code to create a link. I can TRY to help you or just give me access to it, I can add it for you and then you can go in and see what I did.
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