Actions that Ensue when The Three Wise Men are Involved.
I feel oh so much better today, Thank you Tylenol Vanilla. The mood had been elevated quite drastically, and so it is time for a brilliant idea from the mind of me.
Topic for the Day: Drunk Dialing, and, (Oh Holy Hell) Drunk Blogging.
I don't really drunk dial, I learned my lesson with that a long time ago, Alcohol induced 'say anything' and Personality induced 'diarrhea of the mouth' is not a good mix. Not good at all- But all in all, I get at least two messages or calls from drunk people weekly, and I read a blog this morning, the author was definately intoxicated.
I listen to the messages, talk to the people, and read this blog and I think to myself "What exactly comes out of my mouth at the heigth of intoxication?" I have seen the home videos, heard the recapped tales, and seen the pictures. Somehow, it is almost unbelievable.... Yet so hilarious.
However, I think that I will be changing my password on my blogging account to something that I cannot remember while I am intoxicated. Yeah, good idea.