Anyone up for a trip to never never land?
My friend, who touts herself as 'The Fairy Gaymother of the DFW metroplex', is out of commission. She had surgery, on her kidneys no less, and that means that I have no one to frequent the gayberhood with. I could go with my friends that frequent Oak Lawn, but they frequent the place to pick up men, and I, don't. At least not in a lets go play doctor kind of way. What I am saying is I could use a good trip to Round Up, or J R's, or the Village, or Sue Ellens, or wherever....
Call me crazy, but Oak Lawn for me, is like flying to never never land with Peter Pan. I swear, I can go down there and tango with one (or all three) of the three wise men, drink like I am testing my liver capabilities- and wake up with no hangover. I go anywhere else- and let me tell you this is not the case.
I attribute that to the fairy dust.