Spaghetti and Truthballs
The time has come for me to stop playing with fire.
Even if it is proverbial, it will still burn.
I consider myself to be an intelligent human, so its time to use those brains for the greater good.
Call it a Saint Paddy's day resolution.
Here is a fact.
If I get one more stomach virus this year, I am going to deeply consider the notion of ripping out my stomach and large intestines. I will sell them on ebay or something.
An Open Letter to the one who (thankfully) got away.
Its been a while, old friend.
And though memories are not in short supply with us, a future is just not in the cards.
We have to leave it where it died.
It is just best that way.
What you think is true, you were lucky to have me, and I can do better than you.