Spaghetti and Truthballs
Sunday, November 12, 2006
  I Believe
Twenty Five years... In fifteen more, I will be forty.
Not to worry, these years have not been wasted... I have learned lots about myself and this precious little world...

I Believe...
1) Friends are your most precious resource, and you should treat them as the finest of treasures.

2) Lots of people will say that they are your friends, but it is only true 10% of the time, and it is only up to you to distinguish the difference.

3) Real friends will hurt you, and you will hurt them... It is human nature and it should not change your love for them.

4) Love is a complicated mess of emotions, even when you don't mix sex into it.

5) Sometimes, love isn't..a need in your life... Sometimes, it is all you need to complete your life.

6) You should give more than you think you have to give, always.

7) You have to do things for people that you don't want to do when you don't want to do them, but only if you love them.

8) We should.. be better than we think we can be, but never mistake ourself for the best.

9) It is easier to not believe than it is to truly believe.

10) People will show their true colors, no matter how hard they try to hide them.

11) You are in charge of discovering your personal fable, and there will be no one to tell you if you are right or wrong.

12) It is acceptable to be angry, but completely unacceptable to say things you don't mean...

13) You should appologize when you are wrong, even if you hate to appologize.

14) Every one deserves a second chance, and even sometimes a third.

15) No matter how smart you are, and how smart you become, there is always more to learn.

16) Life is a series of choices... You must live with yours, so be certain that you like them.

17) Doing what feels good is usually only good for the moment.

18) Being quick to judge is not usually becoming.

19) People are good at their core, but it often gets discombobulated as they pass through life.

20) Some things should be celebrated with the utmost joy and compassion.

21) History can be rewritten and relived...

22) Friends can become your family.

23) You know a true friend when you can have just as much fun doing nothing as doing a huge something.

24) Somewhere in this world, there is someone who was presented with the exact same opportunities as you, but made different choices.

25) In the end, it is only you. It is your choice to dance on tables or sit in corners, it is your choice to make babies or make art. It is completely, 100% up to you. And we only get one chance.

Happy Day before my birthday day to me. Thank you to everyone that has made my life as enriching and fulfilling as it is.

I love each and every one of my friends, all in very different ways, and I know that I am one of the luckiest girls in the world.

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