Spaghetti and Truthballs
Thursday, July 07, 2005
  Secrets Secrets are no fun....
Yesterday I read a blog, and it mentioned, I went there, and I was disturbed. I have always been the keeper of my posse's secrets- and I have always kept them well- with little leakage. I also keep my secrets- To be honest, I thought I hated secrets, I don't think they are good for anyone's mental sate, and I think they have the capability to kill a soul. I think that people that hold in too many secrets for too long will eventually drown in them.

I had that deep philosophical thought, and then it was followed by the deep philosophical thought that I have kept secrets of my own for some time, and although I am notorious for telling the truth.... Sometimes I dance around the truth like I am doing the electric slide on red hot coals. I feel as if I have betrayed myself. I feel as if I have betrayed all of the people that
'know me so well' and I feel trapped.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
  Parent Jail
What a freaking week, Do you ever just want to start managing your life ostrich style, you know, bury your head in the sand? On Saturday, I had a very close friend unload a very big secret- And then I had a friend whose mother found out he was gay.... Lets just say that she did not take it kindly, she was downright hateful, and I find myself hating her for that. My feelings are so hurt on behalf of my very beautiful friend, and I cannot imagine how someone so internally ugly gave birth to someone so beautiful. I hope some day she will realize that. Anyone who says they do not have a son due to their childs sexual orientation is wrong- and for that matter should be hauled off to parent jail. And she should rot there, no parole for her.

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